Thursday, November 22, 2012


Gobble all you want, but don’t wobble!! Or oink being a piggy! ;) Today is not an excuse to go crazy! Keep your goals in mind and enjoy the day with your family! Be thankful for everything you have, including life! Take care of your body today!


So, day one is finished. I started 3 (yes, 3) blogs, downloaded My Fitness Pal on my phone to track my food, and FitBit which I think I might like better. It does the same things My Fitness Pal does by tracking your food, calories, and weight, but I like the layout better. 
My workout last night was awesome. I did an hour on the elliptical and was too proud of myself! About halfway through I felt like I was about to die! Ha! Gasping for breath, choking on my water…how classy, right? But I don’t care because I finished and I kicked more butt than I did last week doing the same thing! I started at 142 last night and weighed in this morning at 137.2. Now, I know from experience that the first few pounds will fall off easy, but they’re just as easily put back on! I’ve got to be careful going forward and keep my eye on my goal!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I think so!

I did it! I reached my goal for the night. Felt like I couldn't breathe there a couple times but I pushed through and got my hour in!

Aych too o0oh

Here are some fun facts about water: 
It's not only good to clean your system of toxins, but keeps you hydrated, aids in weight loss, helps in digestion and constipation by decreasing water retention, relieves fatigue, reduces risk of certain cancers and believe it or not helps your complexion!!! All for 0 calories!
Water boosts your metabolism and keeps your energy levels higher!
 If you get that hungry feeling, drink some water first! It might just be thirst!
Before every meal drink a cup of water first. It'll make you fuller, decreasing your appetite and helping you to eat the right portions! 
When you're out drinking, start with a glass of water, then alternate drinks from water to beer, alcohol, wine, etc. It'll save you money and will keep you hydrated to avoid those nasty hangovers the next day.
Drinking from your favorite cup helps, drinking only 4 avg size water bottles a day equals 8 cups, and finally, If you get tired of the taste, there's nothing wrong with adding some lemon!


Stretch Pants Can Only Stretch So Far

Yesterday, November 20, 2012, I gave myself 2 options: I could go to the gym to do an hour of cardio before my boyfriend came over to watch some TV, or I could order a large white pizza from the best place in town and have at it. I chose the latter and WHAT A MISTAKE. Talk about hitting rock bottom! I ate all but one piece. Ate until I was not only full to the max but even nauseous! The only reason I stopped was because I felt awful for not saving my mom any. One piece! Real generous huh? Shameful.

My boyfriend came over later in the evening and I bent over to get something. Kindly, he mentioned I had some holes in the crotch of my spandex leggings (which I live in when I'm feeling like a complete and utter fat ass). I was mortified!! It wasn't because they were old or because I wear them to death. It was because I ripped them!!! Now I regularly have a big ass, but this was ridiculous.

I decided that was it. I had abused my body for too long. I've been hiding my eating habits from my boyfriend out of embarrassment and my mom is the only one who knows of the damage I'm capable of when it comes to eating.

Today I start anew. I say this a lot but I am giving myself no choice. It's time for a life change. I'm starting this blog for many reasons. First, I know what I have to do to get where I need to be, but hopefully this will help me put my knowledge into action. Secondly, my birthday is coming up and I want to make jaws drop. I have a short time to do this but in order to succeed, it's best to set realistic goals. Thirdly, one of my best friends is getting married in April and I have to fit in the bridesmaids dress I purchased which I somehow ate myself out of fitting in it since July. This will be my second goal date. And finally, I want to help inspire others to reach their health and fitness goals. I'd love to help anyone in any way I can to better their lives by leading healthy ones. I would love any input people would like to give as well so comment away!

In this blog I'll be recording what I eat, recording my workouts, and recording how much water I'm drinking. I challenge anyone to reach their 8 cups a day of H20! If you want to brag about what you're doing, let me know and I'll cheer you on too! I'll also be posting some of those inspirational pics you see floating on the web now.

It's time to make a change and today is the day to start! Ambitious as it is to start a day before Thanksgiving, it'll only help to challenge myself too! Let's do this and good luck with your goals, too!