Thursday, November 22, 2012


So, day one is finished. I started 3 (yes, 3) blogs, downloaded My Fitness Pal on my phone to track my food, and FitBit which I think I might like better. It does the same things My Fitness Pal does by tracking your food, calories, and weight, but I like the layout better. 
My workout last night was awesome. I did an hour on the elliptical and was too proud of myself! About halfway through I felt like I was about to die! Ha! Gasping for breath, choking on my water…how classy, right? But I don’t care because I finished and I kicked more butt than I did last week doing the same thing! I started at 142 last night and weighed in this morning at 137.2. Now, I know from experience that the first few pounds will fall off easy, but they’re just as easily put back on! I’ve got to be careful going forward and keep my eye on my goal!!

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